三星电子全球消费电子事业部总裁 尹富根 先生
A few weeksago,both at CES and at the Samsung Forum Europe, I spoke about "Four MegaTrends" shaping our world.Connectivityis changing our world.Last year, thenumber of Chinese households with internet connection grew by 21%.Urbanizationcontinues,Populations are aging.And new risks are emerging, so we needtechnology that keeps us safe and secure.That's why I believe the Home of theFuture needs to:Protect, Be flexible, and Be responsive.
We want to besafe in our homes.We need homes that make us more productive and help us enjoymore time with our families.And we need homes that put us in control.We areready to provide the technology for the Home of the Future.Chinese homes willbe key to make it happen. Samsung is ready for it. And as you know: The personwho says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it.
Samsung isvery much a part of China, and its economy.We have a vision:“Made in China, Made for China.”Did you know that 21% of Samsung'semployees work in China? That's 60,000 people!We have 13 production sites - 7R&D Centers, - and one Design Center in the country. But why are we sodeeply invested in China? It’s because we know that China's consumers arediverse, with their very own needs and expectations.That's why we work closelywith Chinese researchers and designers. That's why we have Lifestyle Research Labsand Product Innovation Teams in China. That's why we invest constantly - tocreate innovative, high quality products designed for the Chinese market.
We enteredthe Chinese market 22 years ago. And ever since we have been a part of thecommunity.Whether we build schools in rural parts of China,train doctors forultrasound diagnostics, or help people who need cataract surgery.We willcontinue to invest in China, and we will continue to invest in its communities.
Change isahead.Samsung will be at your side with the right solutions.
Finally,please let me introduce the President of Samsung in China, JS Park. Thank you!
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